Hey y'all! I'm trying something new for my city maps and am doing it in full color with shapes/patterns as the base instead of drawing in roofs. My plan is to do it like this, then go in and paint on top.

This is a steampunk/Wild West type city with rail lines. I realize I messed up and put the cargo train station too far away from the docks -- it'd make more sense to have it right next to the water, so ships and trains could most efficiently transfer goods. Oh well.

Everything still needs a ton of work. Way more buildings needed, train lines are a mess, water and landscaping needs more painting, etc. If I can, I'd like to also do winter and fall versions. I'm keeping my bushes and trees as smart objects so I can easily swap them out for different versions. But I'm already looking at a 1.5 GB file, so we'll see.

Unity City Map v2 wip.png

I'm going to be using this to run a homebrew version of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, so I'm trying to keep the layout (docks at bottom, mansions at top, etc) similar enough to Waterdeep that I can easily port over content.