Hey guys,

I decided it's been long enough since I started work on mapping the entirety of the Vaniyan continent and that it is time to get back to it.

So for the last few days I've been working on the basic framework of the map. I tried chopping and pasting the border from my Vaniya Redone map as I want this map to be pretty much in the same style. But as the size of the map is bigger I just couldn't get it to work. So I ended up redrawing the border from scratch which took me TOO long.

Then I resized my previous version and altered some of the landmass to a more pleasing shape. I've had to completely redraw the whole coastline as the few times it's been resized has left it far too soft and pixelly. I slightly softened some of the crunchiness from the original Vaniya map in the process but I didn't want to change too much. So there is a little disconnect between the coastline copied from the original and all the new stuff, which is less crunchy and more angular but meh, I can live with that.

I also had to redraw all the rivers for the same reasons as the coastline.

I've given it some temporary runs from some of my workflow to give it some definition on the coasts etc. Colours, shading etc. are not final.

Anyway, here is where I am at currently...


The image is at 12.5% size. The finished map will be A0 size.

Next up is to get the mountains in. I've already got a blueprint for positioning to work from so I'm hopeful it won't take too long. Once they are in I can get the rivers sorted for the top side of the map. Once they are in I think I am pretty much over the worst of it and the map should be much less of a chore to finish.