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Thread: Dyson's Inktober & Mapvember

  1. #71



    Falling behind... still working on Mummy... several levels left to ink!

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  2. #72


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 13 - Mummy

    The Great Pyramid of Tauneskalis III, grand emperor of azure beacon.

    Why stop at "mummy" when you can go to "grand emperor mummy who rules the lands through magic and minions"?

    This one took too long for an endurance run like this. It is spread across four pages. Sorry for the low photo quality, my workspace isn't all that well lit in the middle of the night.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  3. #73


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 14 - Lich

    Tzog'vogudh Thrice Returned maintains a number of hiding places for her phylactery - some are quite "visible" like this one. She figures the more sages that "know" where her phylactery is hidden, the less likely anyone will find its true hiding place.

    Not one of my better isometric maps - this one just didn't want to "pull together" properly, and I lost the perspective in a few places as I was drawing.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  4. #74


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 15 - Rust Monster

    Duke Dorian (although our party always called him Duke Eyebrows because... well... it looks like he has a pair of dire caterpillars arguing over which one gets to eat his eyeballs)...

    Let me start over.

    Duke Dorian isn't really a "duke", more of a "guy who has a small private mercenary force, a lot of skill with a blade, and enough underground contacts to buy a real title if he wanted one". He handles most business at his "cottage" - a squat and well defended stone structure back on Iron Chimes Lane. In front of his dais where he holds audiences is a pit trap that slides the unwary down into his fight pit where he keeps a quartet of rust monsters and a naked and violent hill giant with some serious brain damage.

    There's even a little room set aside to watch the festivities in the pit below, with wall made transparent through some strange alchemy or magic.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  5. #75


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 16 - Phase Spider

    The Skittering Caves? Really folks? The only way from here to there is through the Skittering Caves? You know I'm arachnophobic, right? Yeah, we're going to take a break out here and prep every fire spell known to man and god alike.

    This was a fun little gridless cavern set to draw. A bunch of giant spiders live here, but the scariest are the Phase Spiders who actually live in that small cave on the left, unconnected to the rest of the complex...

    I also experimented a bit with the hatching.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  6. #76
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    Oh yeah !!!

  7. #77
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Great work and a consistently high standard. I applaud you!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #78


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 17 - "Two Tribes"

    The "Magmin" prompt was throwing me off (I swore off lava based maps after a drunken evening drawing magma filled caves - true story!), and I noted that there is no "Orc" on the prompt list.

    So I finally broke my magmin block by drawing the two orc tribe caves from the Caves of Chaos. The tribe on the right certainly have a much roomier home than the tribe on the left.

    The tribe on the right are known as the Sharks because they all sharpen their teeth. The tribe on the left are known as the Jets because their leader's sword has a 100gp chunk of jet as the pommel.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  9. #79


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 18 - "Giant"

    As in... "Giant Hole in the Ground"

    Seriously folks, wasn't there a castle here last time we adventured out this way?

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  10. #80


    #Mapvember2017 - Map 19 - The Golem Crypt of Ul-Vir the Mad

    Somewhere beneath the Machineries, Ul-Vir built a crypt where he keeps his failed golem and automaton designs. This is of course the perfect place to find he MacGuffin that will reanimate the old warforged paladin the party is trying to work with.

    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

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