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Thread: Flat Earth

  1. #21
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daelin View Post
    ... such as saying "don't post this BS on the CG!".
    Ok, and now you've done that. Are you really worried that a bunch of people who are intensely interested in all things mapping are going to be 'turned to the darkside' by an insane flat earth video that probably no one watched in any case? Posting flat earth stuff here is akin to starting a fire in the middle of a fireman conference, it's not going to go anywhere.

  2. #22
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    It's not just one person, though. As the famous tweet says: "The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe."
    You made me laugh for the day with this tweet !!!!!! Thanks a lot !!!!

  3. #23
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    Are you really worried...
    Not so much worried as frustrated. And I'll fight ignorance wherever I come across it. I'll happily be the fireman to urinate on that metaphorical fire. If it stops it from spreading even the slightest. One member already posted a video link. It only takes one more member to be enticed by said video for the ignorance to increase by 100%.

  4. #24
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daelin View Post
    Not so much worried as frustrated. And I'll fight ignorance wherever I come across it. I'll happily be the fireman to urinate on that metaphorical fire. If it stops it from spreading even the slightest. One member already posted a video link. It only takes one more member to be enticed by said video for the ignorance to increase by 100%.
    The internet (and other place as well) is full of garbage like that. If you try to convince everyone they are wrong

    Write a message and then move on. We got better things to do. There will always be people beliving in weird things.

  5. #25
    Guild Novice -NoXoN-'s Avatar
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    @Azelor, you have good questions but i cant answer cause im not flat earther.

    @Daelin, im sorry that you got headache, this wasnt my intention. You are very sensitive right?

  6. #26
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Write a message and then move on. We got better things to do. There will always be people beliving in weird things.
    By that logic, never debate anything with anyone, ever. Great advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post
    History of flath earth by Eric Dubay was impressive. In that video he explain so much.
    Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post not flat earther.
    Please read.

    Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post
    You are very sensitive right?
    To bull****, yes.

  7. #27


    The thing I find amusing about crazy theories like a flat earth is that they are always given in a top down sort of way.

    So imagine it from the bottom up for a moment. You go to university, decide to do a degree and then a PHD in astrophysics or whatever BECAUSE SPACE, with a plan to go into the space industry. Or maybe a related industry. Maybe you want to design or build rocket engines. Maybe you'll be calculating orbits. Maybe you'll be working to create more accurate GPS systems, or working in satellite telecommunications, or over the horizon radar systems or I dunno. A million other things I can't think of.

    So at what point does someone initiate you into this grand conspiracy? I mean it could make for a great thriller novel. But at some point someone is going to have to go "So hey, you know all that stuff you learned at school and university? It's all a lie. And this job is fake. But we'll still pay you - just keep quiet, sit over there, and play Kerbal Space Program all day."
    My new Deviant-thing. I finally caved.

  8. #28
    Guild Novice -NoXoN-'s Avatar
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    Daelin, maybe i am offended now. I never said that earth is flat. I can watch a video about aliens and it can be impressive to me but doesnt mean that i believe in aliens.
    Insults are mark of loosers.

    I learned that: Earth revolves around the sun at: 66,600 mph, curvature of one square mile is: .666 ft, earth tilts at: 66.6 and much more i learned and i dont care if this is a masonic number. He have some good questions.

    Interesting, you are sensitive to bull**** and still you are the most active member in this topic.

  9. #29
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    I think this thread has run its course.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  10. #30
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Am I the only one that noticed the two main debaters in this thread are from Denmark and Sweden, countries that have historically fought more wars between themselves than nearly any other countries?

    Now, more seriously...

    One of the things I like most about this website is the fact that everybody who participates only wants to talk about maps. Nobody ever talks about their political or religious views. There aren't threads to commemorate international events, including extremely tragic ones. I don't see people offering prayers in the wake of misfortune. We respect this website, and we continue returning to it, because it has one purpose and it does it well: to focus on maps. I believe that this community would be much less harmonious if we didn't respect this unwritten rule. I applaud J.Edward's comment, diverting away from the argument, and refocusing on the business of making maps.

    So, look back at the original post. After introducing the video, NoXoN said:
    Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post
    ...Let me know what you guys think about earth shape...
    We are a community that is interested in maps and fictional worlds. This is a fair question to have on this forum.

    I would add, however, that this is NOT the right place for people to begin pushing certain ideas that are not related to maps. I have read NoXoN's original comment, and, to be fair, it does come across that way:

    Quote Originally Posted by -NoXoN- View Post
    ...History of flath (sic) earth by Eric Dubay was impressive. In that video he explain so much...
    NoXoN: maybe you did not mean it, but your original post did give the impression, to me at least, that you were trying to promote this particular set of beliefs. If you do hold those beliefs yourself, that is completely ok. But this isn't the forum for discussing whether the Earth is flat.

    I believe that Daelin is right, in that we should not simply ignore something that we strongly disagree with. However I also believe that this whole issue has been blown out of proportion due to the ambiguity of NoXoN's original comment.


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

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