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Thread: The Cup Of Kings (Magical Item)

  1. #11
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    yeah...It could always heave been a case of a misinterpretation of the initial message being taken as gospel and passed down to the later generations. I was thinking that the Cup would only be brought out at formal occasions and the only one that would be allowed to handle it (by tradition as opposed to actuality) would be the King. The current Dynasty has been in power so long that they have forgotten that they are NOT the first to be in possession of the cup.
    That is a very good point. Arrogance of kings and all. It would also cover the "why can just about anyone use the cup" question

    I was thinking that (in my version) that the first bunch of names on the rod would be in a language unreadable without magic, and might even contain names that are definitely not of human origin.
    Another very cool thing ( I can see maybe elves or Dwarves one of the long-lived races or iilithids or dragons even)
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  2. #12
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    1. How long has this kingdom been around for? If there are several names on this rod, then its gone over 100+ years (assuming a bunch didn't die only a year or 2 apart), so the kingdom wouldn't be "so small" but then again this is just my thinking...
    I think 100 years or so is about right. I think with Korash's version it makes sense that THIS kingdom is 100 years old (but there could have been other far older kingdoms that have used the cup)

    2. If this kingdom is small, and holds such an artifact that can do what Korash said, then wouldn't the first king, or kings afterward want to expand this kingdom? He would have every advantage you could almost think of if an invading army were to come in, and how best to recruit people into the army etc etc Since he is so attuned to the kingdom.
    I kind of meant "small" in the relative sense. For a god anything short of Olympus would be "small"..
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  3. #13
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    If the Cup id tied to a region, the powers of the cup would be tied to the area of that region and would not extend past those borders. Makes for a much easier defense, but if in the wrong hands, could make invading MUCH easier. It would make it much more likely that a small kingdom would exist among a group of larger, much more powerful nations. Think Lichtenstein. This is not to say that the region could not be part of a much larger nation from time to time, and I CAN see it being used as a spring board of sorts. I see nothing wrong with the Cup having some history going back centuries...if not millennia.....
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  4. #14
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    lots of good ideas... a thing springs to mind - regions, kingdoms etc change over time (or can) ... I don't think human borders would matter as much to the God making the cup. So the area of effect would probably be bound to elements of the land (mountainrange, forest etc) or a simple range from cup or original praying forest or some such
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  5. #15
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Yup, that was exactly my idea tilt...A geographical area important to the creator, like a large valley or forested area or, like you said, even a mountain range. The original designation of "Fit to Govern" (meant by the God to mean "capable of keeping my space safe") being interpreted by the receiver to mean that they were "Chosen to Rule". If we use the "tied to the land" scenario it would have to be large enough to make it a significant advantage.
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  6. #16
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Smaller kingdoms can be as long lasting as larger ones, especially if they are defensible. Even if the terrain is not favorable, the Cup might be enough to allow greater than average stability. It wouldn't be at all unlikely if the current dynasty had been around longer than 100 years.

  7. #17
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    So, jt, How about you do a rewrite of where we stand with the Cup. We should have enough to start mapping out the motives for both sides of the theft here. From there the scenarios will have something to hang from.

    I am thinking that your latest version would be the "official working copy" of the Cup, and would give us common ground to discuss and/or approve.

    Something like the latest map in a WIP post.
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  8. #18
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    The Cup Of Kings (Revised)

    The Cup of Kings

    The Cup of Kings is an ancient magical device given to the first king of this land by a avatar of a benevolent god who wished for the strife among her people to end. She chose a "true" leader that would unite the fractured land into one united kingdom.

    The first king to hold the cup(insert name) was told by the avatar of (insert name) that he must drink from the cup on the night of the summer solstice yearly at the exact place that the cup was given to him. Failure to do this would result in the king being stripped of his throne. He was to make this offering to the god for all the years of his life. All his descendants were also bound by this promise.

    In the beginning, the cup was a simple chalice of dull silver with a ring of gold knot work around it's rim. Over time the cup changed to what it is today a golden rod 37 inches long and 1.5 inches in diameter. The top of the rod is a tapered amber crystal 4 inches long and 3 inches wide at the very top and the top surface is concave to form a bowl 2" deep. The shaft of the rod is inscribed with the names of all of the previous bearers of the Cup with the current holders name at the bottom of the shaft.
    Although the true reason for the cup's transformation is unknown, sages surmise that as the kingdom grew in strength and prosperity the cup changed to reflect the gods pleasure.

    The cup is only filled with liquid once a year. No one is sure what the liquid is although it is a safe assumption that it is a intensely magical substance. Kings have said that it tastes like the finest wine they have ever had.

    At one time the Cup would change appearance if held by anyone not deemed to be a "true king". This no longer happens due to the god's disgrace but this is not known in the kingdom.

    The original location of the meeting between the first king and the avatar was a clearing in a forest in the center of the kingdom. This is where the first capital of the kingdom arose. Several hundred years ago an evil rival of the king poisoned the water of the capital forcing the city's relocation to it's present location. Every summer solstice the king travels to this spot to make his offering to the god and drink from the cup.

    During the coronation of a new king (or the use of the cup for the first time by anyone else) providing the other conditions are met; (Summer Solstice and proper geographical location), two things will happen: First the name of the new owner will magically be engraved below that of the previous bearer, and Second, the user of the Cup is magically bestowed a mystical understanding of the state of the land which the Cup is attuned to. This understanding includes the general mindset of the people, any needs of the land and animals, and more useful for a ruler the awareness of the movement of large groups of individuals upon the land. These effects are known collectively as the "Eyes of Kings"

    What is unknown to the current holder of the cup, is that the god that originally created the cup and bestowed it upon the first king of the land has had a "change of heart" Disillusioned by her followers inability to make peace for any length of time, she has essentially given up on them. She still requires that offerings be made to her yearly at the Summer Solstice but she no longer cares who makes these offerings. In fact it is a point of some entertainment for her and her fellow deities to see who actually holds the cup at any given time. If the cup were to be held by an evil creature she would see this as a fitting solution to the problem of the kingdom not following her wishes, and would not interfere.

    I integrated Korash's ideas into this version. I think we may have gotten it with this one as all the questions (at least for now) have been answered.

    *Edit* Revised wording per Jax's suggestion
    Last edited by jtougas; 03-26-2011 at 08:57 PM.
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  9. #19
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    I know this isn't polished up yet or even in stone but -

    "..into one strong kingdom." would sound better as "..into one united kingdom."
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  10. #20
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    Fixed it Jax. That does sound better
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