okay, i've been doodling on the canal city, and i haven't come up with any ideas that i like, so this one is going to be shelved until i get the style right. not exactly a hard task, designing a city, but one has to take a lot of things into account about nature and science in order for it to look right. sadly, i don't have that kind of knowledge. so i've decided to do something different. a western town.

This is going to be hand drawn, and i'm throwing ideas on paper right now, but the jist of the thing will be the following:

day 1: Saddleman's Gulch, overview map
D2: Hell's Mercy saloon, run by "Lucky" Kate Saddleman
D3: Mumford's General store
D4: The L. E. Mumford Bank and Trust
D5: The Saddleman's Mines (because i'm going to want to at least do some kind of underground map
D6: Paulette Rondeau's "Boarding house for wayward girls"
D7: The United Faith church
D8: Palace hotel and Dance hall

if anyone has any ideas, questions, thoughts, or suggestions, let me know. i'll post the first map either tonight or tomorrow. and thanks for all the recent feedback. also, i'm going to be working with Gamer Printshop soon i think. i'm looking forward to that idea.