Hey Sagenlicht,

I did attempt to try out GURM, but ran into a problem. I edited the .py file to point to where I was putting the .ini file, which is the same directory as the .py file. But when attepting to run GURM, I get an error message saying that the script couldn't find the .ini file, and then GIMP tells me the script crashed. I'm not sure what I did wrong...

I didn't use notepad or wordpad to do the editing; I can't remember what I used but it appears to be a code-aware text editor (as certain things were highlighted red, etc.); I think it's something I may have downloaded and installed in the frenzy to set-up Python. I don't have my personal laptop with me at the moment, so I can't double-check right now.

I also edited the .ini file to point to where I currently have all the brushes and stuff... currently these are in the default GIMP folders. Is it a problem if I have both the GIMP folder for these resources and my personal folder to be the same path in the .ini file?

So... for a feature request: this might be a lot more difficult to make work right, but how about a simple installer that edits the .py and .ini files automatically for us, based on finding the GIMP script directory for us automatically (or, if necessary, based on inputting that data into the installer program) and that allows us to input our resources folders and writes this into the .ini as well? That might take quite a bit of coding, I guess, but just a thought...