Continuing to fill in the lines with ink. I hope God forgives me for that face. I drew it out in graphite and then ink happened and I'm stuck with it.

I haven't made too much progress over this last week, things kept getting in my way. But any progress is good, no?

Debunking Myths:
People say a Global Flood is impossible because there is not enough water in the world to cover the mountains (eg. Mount Everest) as Genesis describes. That is true for the current topography of the Earth but the Pre-Flood Earth was different. There were no tall mountains, because all of our mountain ranges today were cause by extreme impacts of the tectonic plates that took place during the flood.

The Earth's surface is 71% water and the oceans are unfathomably deep. Therefore the mountains were pushed up and deep canyons (Like the Mariana's Trench) were carved and the Global Flood waters slipped off the land into their current positions.

### Latest WIP ###
Deluge 4.png