
Do you want to recreate the roads as they are in the original? You said "roads like lines" which is a bit vague. If you want them to look like in the original, you could create a brush for this.

First, you'd make a small circular selection and fill it with black then duplicate it onto another layer. Arrange both circles so one is in the upper part of the document, and another is in the bottom part, below the first one. This will be your stamp. Copy both circles onto another layer, and hide the originals. You might have to adjust the gap between them, so we're keeping them as backup.

Select pixels of the stamp layer, go to edit menu and pick "define brush preset". In brush dynamics, under angle jitter, from the control drop down menu, select "direction". That's it! You have a road brush. Add some smoothing in the top bar to make the lines more steady when you need the roads straighter.

If the line weight seems too light or heavy, or the gap too large or small, go back to the circles and adjust the gap between them, then define a new preset again, until you have something that you like.

If you had a different style in mind, paste an example, so I can better understand the look you're going for.