Hello! I am putting together the world for an upcoming tabletop game, and have hit the limit of my amateur inkarnate skills for one of the cities in the world.
I would like to commission a colored city map in either a top down or isometric style - I have done the other maps but couldn't do this city justice.
Pricing: I am open to paying whatever your rates may be, and can work with whatever payment structure / payment system you define (paypal, etc)

Some lore/background:
The campaign is set in a world where magic users wield a lot of power and influence. Towers of Magi are spread across the continents, with a major city forming around each one of them. They are loosely aligned, mostly governing themselves with the exception of a single inter-tower body known as the Inquisition dedicated to hunting down rogue magic users and performing the will of the Tower. The Inquisition is based out of the Spiral City of Tagul - the city in question - and as such, it lends the city a "capital"-esque vibe. The towers all govern themselves, but defer to the influence of the Tower in Tagul.

City Description:
The Spiral City of Tagul is a ringed city carved into the side of a single lone-standing mountain (think Minas Tirath but carved out layers in the side of single spire).
The city is broken out into "layers" from the bottom up - i don't have names for these yet so i would label the map after completion.
The general style of the city would be squarish grey stoned buildings, with more varied architectural designs at the upper layers. Not a whole lot of greenery except for the noble areas.

A breakdown of the layers:
Outside the walls: disorganized "pop-up" outskirts of the city, poorer than the actual first ward but not quite a slum. Some subsistence farming. The terrain for the surrounding area is greenish-brown hills leading towards this lone spire.
First Ward: the poorer section of the city - mostly tightly packed residential area - not a slum but certainly not nice. Buildings are pretty uniform throughout - no temples or anything here just residential and lower-class markets/inns,etc
Second Ward: the market district and merchant class residential ward - less cramped, storefronts and inns and workshops. Less cramped but not quite "nice" yet
Third Ward: the upper class ward. Home to rich merchants, nobles, powerful Magi - Homes would be more spread apart and more opulat. There would be greenery here as the residents could pay to have it maintained on the side of a mountain.
Fourth Ward: the temple ward - home to temples to the three major deities: Erasmus (god of justice), Ialei (goddess of the moon and fate) and Slaine (goddess of tyrannt - this temple would be in ruins)
Fifth Ward - The Tower of Magi - a flattened out area consisting of a very large tower structure, and a small spread of buildings around it. Home to the most powerful Magi and the Inquisition

Connecting each of the wards would be a large stone staircase rising up through the middle of the city
While its not a coastal city, the influence of the Inquisition means that Tagul is kind of the "capital" of the continent.

See attached for a rough sketch of what i'm kind of thinking in terms of layout. I am happy to discuss this
Spiral City notes.png

Quality & Size:
This would most-likely not be printed and exist for reference for players online only.
The other city maps for the campaign are at a 2k resolution through Inkarnate but this is not a hard requirement for me.

Time Constraints:
Mid-July would be ideal as that is when the game starts, but the players will likely not make it to the city for a little while so there is wiggle room.

As long as I can embed in the image in World Anvil and supply it to my players / use it again in a future campaign set in the same world then I do not really care to have ownership / reproduction rights.
This won't be used commercially, and the artist can retain rights.
If you have some system in place where maps are 'published' publicly then that would be fine with me as well, anyone else who could use it is more than welcome to.

Contact Details:
I am contactable via e-mail at holzman.ad-at-gmail.com
I can also be contacted via discord: aholz#5807