This map is beautiful, it's again and again great work!

Regarding the forests, we can see the difference in the north-east, the forest is denser and seems impenetrable.

For the thumbnails, here's what I understand (from top left, down, then top right, down):
birth, taming, learning to fly, perilous landings, domestic use, military use, defending territory.

As far as coats of arms are concerned: you know I love it... if you have the space and the desire, don't hesitate to place some.

I have one more suggestion, but it's really up to you to see what you think: I love the line of forts that defend the eastern border of the country, but maybe you could place them a little bit differently, leaning those defenses on the two rivers that run south and north? These rivers are good natural borders and I think there is a certain logic in using them, with the control of the forts, to defend the territory.
(If it suits you, you can very well "divert" one or the other of the rivers to keep this beautiful arc of circle formed by the forts...).

Keep up this beautiful work, I'm sure it's gonna win an atlas for 2020 !