Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Whenever I see one of your CC3 maps I keep having to reevaluate my expectations of CC3. You seem to push that app waay further than anyone else can manage. These maps look just great and almost as though they were done on photoshop. I expect that Jon Roberts was using photoshop and if you can match his style then your doing very well indeed.
Thank you very much

I think I would be dead chuffed with myself if I could draw as well as JR. What you see in that top map is a standard CC3 map that was made using the bitmap fills and symbols drawn by Jon Roberts and published by Profantasy a few years back now. The cliffs are the only bit I can claim as my own artwork. I have another map here made with the default City Designer 3 Bitmap B style with the same cliff set (a colour variant of it)

Varon rock Limestone cliffs.JPG

With CC3 there is (I am told) a steep learning curve. I think it really depends on what your personal expectations are since I never really had that much of a problem. It's a very powerful and versatile app, so there's a lot to learn and I expected to have to learn it. That was ok for me. Other people have different views (and if you think about it, it would be really creepy if they didn't!)