Oh, where to start!

Sorry it's been so long, guys. I know I've been a bad friend just lately and not come round to see you all, but I have been seriously busy for several months.

I've not really done very much mapping, but I've done a lot of asset work for Profantasy. I finished the Spectrum Overland style, which is published as 2 parts of this year's Cartographer's Annual. I've also done a connecting cliff symbol set for another issue of the same annual. This is one of the example maps I did for that. The cliffs appear along the line you draw on the map, and can be used in most of the existing city styles - in this case the base map is in the Jon Robert's City style, which is now part of the default CC3 style set.

Jon Roberts with cliffs.JPG

I'm working on another overland style for next year. This is the 'thinking out loud' stage for what will eventually become "Grimdark Fantasy"... unless it turns out differently and gets renamed in the meantime. Only a few hours work on it yet

Grimdark Fantasy example 1 1500.JPG