This asset is a bit sad. I am releasing it as free stock for your maps. Credit is unnecessary. I am satisfied if someone sneaks my cat into a map. This photo was taken by me, of my cat Duncan, on his last night alive. I had snapped several photos anticipating his death today, and intentionally took a top-down so he could be turned into an asset.

I got him from the Humane Society. He had been there for 6 months, passed up for younger playful cats who "showed well". He did not show well, though the staff clearly knew he was kind at heart, and had made a YouTube video of him I later discovered and had labelled him "secret admirer". Of course I'm sad he kept being passed up but I think he was waiting for me to get over my dislike of cats. I just had a mouse and depression problem, so, y'know. He didn't catch any of those mice, by the way. He was originally named Boots but as he did not respond to his name anyway. I renamed him when I adopted him at the senior age of 9-10. I chose to adopt an old cat with the expectation that I would get to test run a cat who would die soon and I could then decide if I liked them or not. Somehow I had it in my mind cats died at like, 9-12, since I knew mostly farm cats before. (I was wrnog) So I picked a sulky fellow who hid under the Humane Society cages when we let him out. Perfect. A mouser who would sulk around my furniture and not get in my way. Hah, boy was I wrong, he turned out to be a hardcore snuggler lap cat full of more love and affection than I had realized was possible for cats. In line with his very attached nature, he got the last laugh and died in my arms one hour before he was due to go to the vet, as I assured him I would not take him in the car if he died before the appointment, and going in the car was his least favorite. It was very peaceful. He let out a big breath like he was snoring or falling asleep, and I think that was it, though I didn't realize for a few more minutes until I passed him to my best friend and she realized he was going stiff. He was 14.6, a little on the younger median side for a cat to pass, but it definitely seemed to be a death of old age/natural causes.

This October, he caught his first mouse, and then brought it inside... Over Christmas he was still hopping into chairs. Over the last couple weeks he suddenly just became old, and in the way I saw everyone in long term care pass of natural causes, declined and lost all function and motor control, until it was all he could do to breathe. I don't know the cause, but it didn't appear to be painful, just that he became more and more tired until finally, he fell asleep for good. He never went and hid from me in the corner. He was still there. He solicited cuddles and face scritches until the last night, less than 12 hours before he passed he was lying with his head in my hand, arm over my arm, guiding my finger to scratch his face until he decided he wanted to go lie back down. Freakin sweetheart. It crushes me that he's gone, even though I'm glad this is how he went rather than the vet trauma finale. Yes, I will be getting another cat(s?!?!?)

Please consider adding him to your maps to keep him alive in the collective multiverse, finally adventuring in the grass or napping in a sunbeam in some other strange place. It is in line with my brand and nature to want my cat in the co-creative multiverse, and to release this as no attribution required stock. You can sell the product you create using this asset, just not the asset itself. Duncan is free for anyone to place in their battlemap.