A quick little update with a slightly better looking export (a few texture changes and tweaks).


As an addition to the previous post, here's a list of changed things :

- Western hill now more of a hill, structured with winding streets going down the slope and lots of stairs.
- Western hill will now have a fort (WIP) connected to the lake tower and protecting the bridge.
- Eastern lake tower now part of a large military complex containing a prison, city watch headquarters and connected to the north to the "iron port".
- Most city quarters redrawn/tweaked, center of the city has larger main avenues.
-- North-east quarter remade, more recently built and "square-y" in blocks, contains lots of more industrial things and working-class buildings.
-- Southern village reduced in size and complexity.
- Ports cleaned up (straigher docks going slightly above the coast), boats still there as a WIP reference.
- cemeteries added, northern one on old stetven hill, southern one next to a new cathedral (WIP).
- a sort of "carnival" (WIP) added to the south-east edge of the city.
- Palace layout redone and detailed (WIP).

Not visible on those is a ton of notes and more unique buildings and quarters, which will become visible when individual buildings and details are added in.

I think the biggest thing to add once all those WIP things are done is shadows. Everything projecting a shadow, especially large/special buildings, will make everything pop out and clearly show the height of everything. I'm especially excited to see how the bridge, hills and forts look once the shadows show the elevation.