Thanks everyone

Kellerica : spray pattern used to color the vegetation was a happy accident! to be honest it happened because I couldn't figure out how to draw tree-forests on the mountains without loosing the shape and look of them... but in the end it worked out, seems to suit the contoured mountains and hills

Ilanthar & - JO - : I quite like how the relief style turned out too The trick is going to be repeating it next time, because I only half remember how I did it... Something tricky, with multiple copies of the 'contour' lines, offset from each other in small steps, flattened together, the 'sunny side' erased using where the contour lines crossed over themselves as the indicator for what to take away and what to leave, then the remaining part blurred to get the shadows creating the relief look. Next time I will take notes and step by step screen shots!

ThomasR : Yes! exactly ... and old peeling paint, stains on concrete, eroded white lines on the road... it is so much easier to trace an existing organic edge than to try and invent one