Quote Originally Posted by damonjynx View Post
Hi Xcali, I understand what you mean re the symbology, it is often associated with dark magic and in this case, rightly so (Though I could always come up with something less traditional to symbolise a magic circle). The basic premise behind this map is that of a cult that worships, i.e. feeds, some sort of ancient, powerful vampire lords that are being held in stasis by the magic circle. Blood spilt on the sacrificial altar powers the circle and also feeds the vampires. If the circle is destroyed the vampires are freed - using mist form to escape via the blood channel opening. I think as far as lore goes, the idea is that the vampires were once heroes that became corrupted and it was decided the community would be best served by having them imprisoned rather than destroyed so they can be unleashed on the communities enemies, should the need arise. Kind of like WMD's in an end of world scenario.

Thanks for the assets! I may or may not use them on this map but I'll keep them for future reference.


Completely fair point you made. Sounds like a few sinister secrets lies in waiting. Good luck with creating the rest.

P.S. You are welcome. I just thought it might come of use for you later on.