Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Oh yes, I do remember that one, and that looks massively complicated!

Are some of those little boxes garden areas?

I hope the source map shows enough detail to help you interpret what all those little shapes are, or making things up as you go along will be quite difficult.
There might be some gardens but the map I used did not have much information. For example, I see the lines of the rooftops but I'm not sure where the building ends. Is it the end of the building or just a section of the roof?
I'm aware that there are many streets and the layout does not follow the kind of streets we are used to. Basically, most of the area not occupied by a building is a street, assuming I understood correctly.
What makes this confusing as Falconius told me, is that many buildings extend over the streets, covering them completely at some places. You also have plenty of buttress arches linking buildings from across the street, to improve the solidity/stability of the buildings, because some of them are really old.