Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Abandon all hope ... you do not need it ! How could we not love that gem ?
Well... y'know... jour sans espoir finit ruine d'un soir, as my grandfather used to say

Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
Awesome! Great to see this is somewhat in the style of Middle-Earth - which is currently among my biggest inspirations! This little illustrations really help you get a feel for the world and culture in different areas, and plus they're all so well-drawn...
Thanks a lot MMM !

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
It's splendid and let me dreamy...
I'm just wondering if some slight shadow or something would make the land pops more from the seas.
Hmm... Yes, you're maybe right on that point : I'll see if I can do something for this, thanks !

Quote Originally Posted by bkh1914 View Post
I love the smaller volcano on the right side,
and the icons and figures are beautiful.
Thank you BKH !