Thanks Azelor - At least I'm not totally out there. I was thinking like parts of Alaska or South Chili myself but with some artistic liberties so it sounds like I should be fine.

At any rate, here are the other updates I said I was going to get and I've trimmed the white space from these as well as put them all in one post since I had to wait to get these uploaded. I know some like to see the progression or I would just skip to the last one.

So here goes in order if I can remember how to do this.

Country 62 a.jpg

Country 62 b.jpg

Country 62 c.jpg

### Latest WIP ###
Country 62 d.jpg

I noticed some holes and stuff while doing these uploads but I'll fix these later. I'm mostly wanting to see what I get from using ArtRage and then final edits will take place in PS.