"Hills!" came the Emperor's thundering voice.
The seneschal bowed low. "Of course, your Industriousness, there will be hills, though the cartographers had received instructions not to include them as you decreed that hills were an affront to the majesty of mountains, second only to the majesty of your most adored person."
The Emperor looked long at the map. "And the forests?"
"Of course, as your majesty remembers, many of the arboreal artists commissioned have been put to death, as per the decree of your Wisest Omniscience."
"Well… well bring them back to life then."
"It shall be done, your Golden Perfection." The seneschal paused. "There is… one more thing, your great Benevolence. It seems I must travel to the northern provinces yet again. Some funds must be allocated…"
"Those rebel scum! Why must you go there yet again?"
"Merely to ascertain that the coast lines have been finished to your exacting standards, your Great Golden Gloriousness. A… fact-finding mission only."
The Emperor waved a hand in dismissal. "Of course, of course," he muttered. "Take your trip."
Bowing low, the seneschal backed away, waiting until he had turned away before letting the ghost of a smile cross his face. The north held so much promise for the future. If he could just keep the Emperor's obsession with the map alive a while longer…

I have made a difficult decision recently. I had so much fun doing the Feud challenge, but I also realized that I'm prone to "New! Shiny" ideas and I start so many things and never finish them. As a result I am going to take a break from starting new things and focus on finishing ones that are underway. That includes a few map projects, like this one. Slowly but surely indeed…

I'm also having a bit of trouble with my computer. Since my old one got soused on wine and ceased operation I've had a new one. Unfortunately its graphics processing power is lesser and I find that I'm having pretty significant brush lag in Photoshop. I'm going to do some research to figure out what the story is. Any suggestions?

Thanks for checking this out!

