Hi Folks,

Here are my preliminary maps for my second commission.

The client has spotted a minor flaw on the Kobold Lair map that he would like fixed but other than that they're good to go. Where the two stairwells but up against each other on Level 1, I need to put some thicker wall texture between them for clearer separation. Will post them in finished maps section when done.

All done in Ps CS4 Extended. On the template I've created for these maps I have a "Notes" layer with my workflow. This has helped immensely with the speed of producing these maps and ensures a consistent look.

Previously, I imported the JPEG author sketches and then traced them but trying to scale and match the grid is a pain in the butt, so I now I just use a 0.5" grid with 10 sub divisions and re-draw them using a combination of the marquee tool and selection tools to create paths and so on, that I can then select and stroke/fill as required on the actual image layers.

I might, as I've made a load of "old-school" icons in Ai, make the icons symbols in Ai and try to use that for the grunt work and Ps for the frilly stuff...

### Latest WIP ###
Kobold Lair.png
Moonspike Tower 1.png
Moonspike Tower 2.png