Added some watery ground depressions where the largest clusters of fungi grow, and made them a green-blue hue just for a bit of colour variation (the whole thing was looking a bit overwhelmingly purple-pink to my eye). I also added a few spiderwebs.

### Latest WIP ###

I love how the spiderwebs look, but... I'm not sure if I should keep them. My original intent was for my fungi monsters/critters to be large meat-eating (rats, people, etc.) ground-dwellers, that hide under the larger clusters of fungi and ambush their prey. But if I include these webs, it's implying that they're more of an actual "spider" species rather than just a "spider-looking" creature...

And those webs are way too small for my critters (at least, in their fully-grown form). They're also too small to trap larger creatures (so, they'd really just be for insects). And I really didn't want large swaths of huge webs, so I was trying to think of a way to make it work, and came up with a life-cycle for my critters that would explain the small webs:

* When they hatch out, they initially live/crawl on the fungi (and eat it) for a short time until they can start spinning webs. (Perhaps the fungi provides a special nutrient that helps them produce the substance for making the webs?).
* At this point, they stop eating the fungi and switch to insects-only (trapped in the webs).
* When they get older (and become too large/heavy for the webs), they gravitate to the ground and begin eating larger prey (meat) that "Momma" has caught...
* ...until they grow even larger and start becoming too much competition for the food. At which point, "Momma" starts eating them, and only the smart ones survive... the ones that quickly move off down the tunnels and set up a home in their own (solitary) cluster of fungi.

But... I'm just wondering (from a gamers perspective) if the whole "spider" thing is a bit "done-to-death" and boring? Yes, the fully-grown critters are not the typical "spider", but the webs are a huge tip-off that something "spider-like" is lurking ahead, and pretty much kills the "surprise ambush attack" that I originally had in mind.

So, a question to the gamers: Keep the webs (with that visual cue that something nasty and "spider-like" is coming up?) and engage with Momma and her babies? Or lose the webs and have a surprise attack from Momma (and possibly a small swarm of babies that are also hidden, ground-dwellers)?