Its a huge project, Robbie, but looking really great so far.

I once visited an old Kirkbride style hospital which had been converted to a boarding school/care home setup for severely disabled children. It was set in vast grounds that were laid out like a country park. The place was so peaceful, and so calming - it was hard to think of it as a place where there would probably have been a lot of noise and drama in its days as a mental hospital for the clinically insane!

All the outbuildings (and there were many - various prefab schoolrooms etc mixed in with older buildings) were out at the back. A conscious decision had obviously been made to preserve the beautiful brick and stonework of the frontage, and leave the driveway (which curled into a circle around a large Victorian fountain in front of the centre door) very much 'as-was'. You could have safely filmed footage for a period film right there, under the avenue of mature lime trees. The impression was more 'stately home' than hospital

I can't remember for certain, but I think one of the outbuildings was originally a stable with a coach house.

I don't know if this was typical of the style. Maybe this one was special because it was built out in the country, and in those days our roads would have been pretty rough!