I got a bit carried away titivating things before I really know if the basic shape is ok. I also had a bit of a problem when KRITA decided to store it as a 32 bit file instead of an 8 bit file, and the conversion did something really weird to the colours that took ages to sort out. Hmmm.... not too impressed by that. (KRITA is still relatively new to me)

I have a feeling there isn't much space in this cavern, so it might turn into more of a dangerous corridor than one worth a game

### Latest WIP ###

Dungeon 01 v2.jpg

Are we labelling our dungeons or leaving everything to the imagination?

I've done it to myself as well - I've just realised there's an animal in my map - sure as day. It must have something to do with when there are two relatively similar sized circles. I see them as eyes.