By ChickPea
Fantastic work on the convention map, Ilanthar. I love the cobbles. I hope that dragon two aisles over isn't looking for you! Your sketches are gorgeous too.
Thanks, CP! I will reuse those cobbles now I've done them. As for the dragon... they named the alleys so I just draw something according to those names like the "Dragon Avenue". I was placed in the Elves Avenue.

By Diamond
Y'know... I think I like this version better. Hope you don't hate me for that. Question: at the event, are those individual, real rooms, or just booths?
Also - Murder Party? I'm in!
Thanks! Well, there are things I prefer in this version too (beside the fact it was way more fast to do ). And no rooms... more one or two tables, the stuff you have to show on panels/roll-ups if you have them. It looks quite like a fun fair, tbh.