Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
I have no clue what is "cross-blended hypsometric shaded relief", but the coastlines look pretty awesome already.
Thanks Voolf, you can see an example of what I was aiming for in post #5 on the first page of this thread. I actually used this map of earth to create this map https://cartographersguild.com/album...chmentid=94065 by cutting and pasting parts of the earth map and setting the blend mode to linear burn over a texture background. I really like the colours it gives this way and was hoping to use my world map to do the same for regional maps of this world.

Quote Originally Posted by Caenwyr View Post
I concur! Doing that realistic style is a pain in the butt, and the best result you can ever hope to achieve is something that looks a lot like maps everyone has already seen before - after all that's the whole point. In this new style, however, I very much like your land shapes, AND I think the brush strokes look lovely and of a completely effortless beauty. As in all types of art, making it look simple while it's actually very hard is the true indication of skill.

And those little brush strokes do exactly that. You're making me jealous, just with those strokes! That's awesome!
Thanks Caenwyr, what a nice comment! Though I will need to clean away all those little strokes for the final coast I may still use them for a hand drawn style just for fun.