Here's the latest.

I 've turned off the atmosphere to get a better look at the textures. These are the masks 'as is' output from GeoControl. I turned off all the default fractal breakup up on them in TG- I didn't want any additional noise at this point. I'm also not sure of the technicalities of the layer blending that I've used on the masks in the GeoControl renderer. If I knew those, then I could in theory simulate them in TG.
There's a problem with the river mask not meeting the banks. This *could* be because I've not textured that side of the river. That's jsut a case of swapping the masks for the full coverage ones. I'll have a run overnight. This took 7 hrs wih a quad!
Seer used a mask in his project that this is based on that wasn't included in the package he gave me. That's a blur river- so that may well correct this.
I like using image masks because you really know where everything is going to be and how it should look. What's more you know *before* you get into the render, check, change, render,check,change cycle.

I've also got a full river mask I'd lie to try.

Yeh, the first stage...I think I'm gonna get the 20K into WM and just do the Goddamn mountains at that scale. I think with image processing I'm sure we could get some nice mountains from that at 40K. If you look at what Joe's done on the Wilbur pages, you can see that it's certainly possible.
However, I won't stop there. It'll be back into Global Mapper for the proper mountains at say 40K res. But that can wait.
Howard Zhou is bringing his plugins into line with WM 2.o which is great news. That workflow that I used for the Mistys of using real terrain as vectors will then be possible.
