Small update before the thread falls into page 2...

Now, all buildings structures are properly drawn (for those that have been plotted so far).
I started working on the hill including settling the elevation and it's pretty complicated. The values are based on the reference value, which is the white area with the 0.
There is going to be a road with rock and mortar with a gentle slope. The other direction is a stone stair.
Overlooking the stoneway is a wall similar to this at a 70 degree angle :
It supports an esplanade. I'm not yet sure how the wall is supposed to look like from above with that angle.

Above that there is a religious building. I took a lot of inspiration from a real building (try to guess which one!) yet ended up looking very much like the real one but smaller. It's not definitive yet but I would like feedback is some people feel uncomfortable with it.
I really like the courtyard in the south, having some sort of transition instead of directly entering the building.

Other than that, the north part is too small to have much built there. I will put a garden and a cimetary above on the other yellow spot. I'll also add a building for the clergy people somewhere. Maybe on the southern high yellow spot? It's pretty secluded.

### Latest WIP ###
section 17 copie.jpg