I tried making my own fantasy map, but it simply looks unnatural and I clearly do not have any talents or geographical knowledge. It's an Island Chain province inspired by the Galapagos (although larger) that focuses on diverse ecosystems. Despite being a chain of islands in the middle of the ocean, it has a myriad of terrain types, from hot deserts to snowy tundra. But one thing remains constant, Everything was Created by volcanos and active volcanos still exist in the west.

Hoping someone more geographically gifted can make a rough draft of the chain and utilize some aspects of what I had done and just create something the looks more natural. I don't have much money at the moment what with Christmas and being a dad, but I intend to come back and commission someone for a far more intricate final draft once I have a general idea of what I'm doing with each Island. At the moment i only have plans for 3-4 of the largest islands, but I want to expand and make The chain much larger.