It looks like you're on the right track. Although being used to seeing everything in d20 being maximized map wise to 5 foot squares, the bathrooms feel a little cramped to me, but they may be accurate. I know when I go to best buy and climb in the stall I can touch both elbows to the stall dividers on either side of me, while the handicap restroom is almost a separate room altogether with its own separate sink.

Which reminds me, one thing you'll need to keep in mind for modern buildings is accessibility requirements for handicap patrons. Your current bathrooms obviously do not meet those requirements, so you'd have to either make room, or add a handicap accessible bathroom separately...or since this may be a fantasy/alternate reality modern campaign, you could just say that all handicap people are shot on sight? (That was insensitive of me)

Which leads to another point....I don't know if the book you are using covers this, but you might want to look up some building codes. You'd be surprised how many standards there are. Door width and height, handrail heights, fire extinguisher placement/height, door opening direction requirements, etc. Those building codes and standards would probably be quite helpful in creating realistic modern floor plans.

Everything else looks good...I do like the glass wall/doors...I'm pretty much indifferent about the rest of your optionals. I would say go for what suits your campaign.