Before I get started with posting the climate-related maps for Aduhr (following Azelor's tutorial), I think it might be interesting to post my previous attempt at a climate map of Aduhr. This was done back in the summer, and it's loosely based on Pixie's earlier tutorial. In this climate map I used a rough estimate of annual mean temperatures and precipitations instead of separate maps for July and January.

So, here is the old version of the annual mean temperature map:
Aduhr - Keskilämpötilat.jpg

And the annual mean precipitation:
Aduhr - Sademäärät.jpg

And finally the Köppen-Geiger climates:

These were done based on a very rough topographic map of the earlier version of Aduhr (based on the old tectonic model, in other words). It should be interesting to see how different the climate zones will turn out with a bit more refined approach.

Anyway, to get started on Azelor's tutorial, here are the maps for the atmospheric pressure systems (including wind patterns).

Aduhr jan pressure.jpg

Aduhr jul pressure.jpg

Any suggestions and comments regarding the wind patterns and pressure zones are highly appreciated!