Hey guys, short time lurker here, thought I'd come inside and maybe get some input on a map I've started for a D&D setting/game.

Now I guess I should preface this by saying that I'm completely new to mapping in general, and relatively new to photoshop and gimp (only ever just dabbled a bit here and there for 3d model textures and such).

So far I've only made the basic land shape, and I'm wondering how I should do the ocean itself in trying to create a "depth map" sort of, simulating relatively shallow waters near land and going out to very deep waters where a Kraken could possibly live

The first example is made purely with layers of different blues, while the second example also has the basic ocean cloud with it's color overlay from Ascencion's Atlas tutorial and then those other layers grouped as an overlay, which didn't turn out too good yet.

What I'm worried about is the rather strong glow effect I've gotten, but I suspect this could be because for the overlays I've only used blue colors, and possibly started out too light. Also I suppose the glow effect might be enhanced by the fact that the land mass is just black at the moment.
My issue is that I'm coloranomalous (is that even a word?) with deuteranomaly, which means I have to rely somewhat on rbg and/or hex codes for my coloring.

What I want this map to turn into eventually is not an atlas map in the sense of being realistic, which is why I've only done some experimenting with the waterpart so far.
I'm looking at creating a more "old-school" map I guess, but not really monochromatic, I would like to have some color in there, however challenging that can get. I guess somewhere along the style of a LOTR-map or such, with the colors of an atlas map? Don't know if that makes sense.

Anyways, input is appreciated.
