Thanks you guys for the feedback!

@Azelor: The font is Fraenkisch by Dieter Steffmann, who made a s***-load of amazing fonts which are all free for personal use (and many of them are well known and used by the people around here i guess), as he is against the commercialization of fonts (Link to his personal Website in german, where he writes about his first steps in digital font creation).
When i first saw this font, i knew i HAVE to use it on a map one day.

@ ChickPea: Glad you like the colour choice! I wasn't quite sure about it, cause i'm using my old monitor atm, having a bit of a different colour representation. With the first mountains. i was just thinking about making the whole working step of "doing mountains" a lot quicker, as this usually takes sooo much time. For the second ones i only put in some rough lights and no shadows so far (good catch! ). I guess they'll get a lot more depth with some shades and more refined highlights.
The first pic is indeed just a snapshot of a far bigger map (that's why the file is named TNBM ), which looks quite empty so far. That's also the reason, why i started with the smaller Grant & Karst map to apply the techniques i used for the first one.

Here is another update of the Grant & Karst map (i really should start a wip thread soon...):
I layed in some rivers in the southern area (where the Kingdom of Karst is) and added some more mountain ranges in the north (Grantian Kingdom). I also tweaked the colour of the title more red, as it was originally intended.

... Oh, Azure Planet, you nearly "ninja'ed" me with your post ... Glad you like the sketch! It was indeed intended to just show how easy it was to make a quick sketch look somewhat fancy . I'd love to see some of your old stuff revamped. Btw. the kind suggestion from chick was regarding the "Customizable Banner" Tutorial i posted here originally and moved now here. But i might make a small tutorial for this parchment style sketches too.
