Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
I've tried three different times to read Gardens of the Moon by Erikson, and... I just couldn't do it.
Yeah, GotM is a hurdle for many. Around page 200 it really picked up (at least for me). Well, i can only encourage you to try again...because it is a wild ride. And i think as a fellow rpg-er and worldbuilder, you'd really appreciate all the depth in the 10 books that is the Malazan Book of the Fallen. I was blown away by it. It's true, though...Erikson is a writer that really embodies the "show, do not tell" style. He really does not make it easy on the reader...you have to dig in and discover everything for yourself, he is never just flat out telling you important things about his world. But the depth and mythic power of his creation is really something.

Erikson is my top fantasy author to date. Bakker is close but much more ordinary in his worldbuilding and story.