
Under the Open Game License 1.0a, the Vintyri (TM) Project has released a new 216-page free PDF booklet, the Vintyri Cartographic Collection Guide.

For those unfamiliar with it, the cartographic collection, it is a free download package of some 1,500 RPG raster symbols or objects (mostly buildings) based upon true historical prototypes and fill patterns or textures. It is available in two versions, one properly scaled for Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 from NBOS Software and the other scaled for Dundjinni (TM) from Dundjinni Enterprises. The Dundjinni version also can be adapted for Campaign Cartographer (TM) 3 from ProFantasy Ltd. Information on how to convert the files for CC3 is included in the new guide.

This publication is in response to requests and suggestions of users of the cartographic collection. It contains:

- Installation instructions for FM8, Dundjinni and CC3.

- Hundreds of color photos of the original historical prototypes used to make the mapping symbols or objects.

- Complete color catalogs of all of the symbols, objects, fill patterns and textures, to make it easy for the cartographer to pick the right object for every map location.

- Details on how to use the symbols and objects in an historically rooted manner that makes the design of cities, towns, villages, hamlets and thorps credible for PCs visiting the mapped locations.

For more information on the guide and download links, go to:

For more information and download links for the cartographic collection, go to: