Quote Originally Posted by su_liam View Post
I'm trying to bone up on my java2d stuff. I'm not working on anything near as sophisticated as what you're doing(my attempt at implementing precipiton erosion was just sad), but I'm trying to find little learning projects to get my hand in. One of the projects I've been working on is a little app to convert 16-bit RG targas into 16-bit grayscale pngs or tifs. I recently found out landserf reads images as 32-bit RGBA so I've already added that to my goals. It looks like now I'll have to add separate bmp files.

By the way, thank you.

EDIT: Yes, please make a 16-bit png. Simplifies my life ginormously.
I believe Wilbur will allow you read in a fractint (RG-tga) and save it as a 16 bit png hf...(and vice versa...)

-Rob A>