Quote Originally Posted by armoredgear7 View Post
Thanks. I'm pretty sure Inkscape has something similar to Illustrator's "offset path" command, but since I don't use Inkscape I can't say for sure.
Pretty easy, I think. Here was a 5 minute test in Inkscape, with a random bezier to start (using straight segments and arc section would probably improve things).

I duplicated and offset the bezier, once inwards and once outwards. Combined them into one bezier and made a copy, then set the stroke width of the duplicate to the same amount I had offset them. Turned the stroke to a path, and set it to a grey fill with a black stroke. I drew the two parallel lines (the same size as the track width) and used that as the pattern with the pattern to path effect (using the previous copy that was made of the thin paths):

A bit more care and attention, but it is a good start, IMOO.

-Rob A>