Project Scope

I am worldbuilding a custom fantasy setting for a series of upcoming pathfinder campaigns, and after working on it for well over a year of daily work, it is becoming very difficult to keep things consistent and logical without a proper, well made map. I am looking for someone who can create a fairly realistic (for a fantasy setting) detailed map, with several continents. I have the general shape of the continents figured out, though I wouldn't mind some minor tweaks to make them more interesting, as I initially generated them using Azgaar's and did only a little bit of minor reworking. I also would need major geographical features such as biomes, mountains and rivers to be created. Finally, though the world map is most important, I would eventually like to have maps created for the individual regions/continents, remaining consistent with the world map but with more detail for that region.

Map Concept

Below is the generated heightmap that I have used, stripped of my less than stellar attempts at improving it, that I would like for my map.


I'd like to keep the same general configuration of the landmasses. I would love some minor tweaks to coastlines to make them more interesting, and there are a few areas that I plan to add archipelagos and other small islands not displayed on the above photo. I want mountains, rivers, and lakes in the same general areas that they are displayed above, but tweaks to make a more interesting map are desirable.

In my current imagining of the world, the map is the full planet, about 50% larger than Earth, and rather than a typical equator in the middle that is the hottest, the south pole would be the hottest place, the north pole the coldest. There are a few unusual landmarks that I would like to add that can be discussed in further detail for when going over the specifics.


My primary goal for this is a fairly well polished and ready for use colored physical map, in a style that is fairly accurate to a paper map that could be hanging on a wall or given to my players. I would like labels for the continents themselves, but I am not looking for any cities or settlements, as I plan on using this same map within an online worldbuilding tool, over several thousand years where the political landscape will change dramatically.


I'm looking for something at 300 DPI, but am willing to downscale based on price.


I am not in any major rush; I have been working on this world for ages already, but I do plan on starting my campaign in the next 8 months or so, and the sooner I can get the map to finalize some geographic details the better.


I do not plan on using this for anything commercial at this time, and don't mind not securing the copyright.


I will pay half upfront and the rest on completion, though I am open to negotiation on this. Please email me at with your rates and examples of your work.
