Been a while since I've worked on anything mapping related. Working on the tectonics, geography and climate for my conworld was definitely a worthwhile effort, but it was pretty taxing. For the time being I want to focus on the more creative side of mapping. I feel like I took the tectonics and climate as far as I wanted for my conworld.

So here's my first map proper! Total time I spent on this is somewhere between 50–100 hours. The actual map was drawn in Krita, and labels were added in Photoshop (Krita's text tool is… not that great). The map itself is a small section of my previously constructed world.

This was first and foremost an exercise in developing my own style. I wanted to see if I could do away with line-art entirely and still create something that looked clean and precise. Colour selection played a big part in the design process.

This was a fun project and very rewarding. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
