The town of Thetford in Norfolk, England has a long history. It used to be the capital of East Anglia, a Kingdom before England even existed. Two rivers converge here and there's a shallowing which gives the town it's 'ford' bit. The 'thet' bit comes from an old Germanic term for people and shares etymology with the 'deut' part of Deutschland (d and th were interchangeable, they are voiced and unvoiced version of the same (whatever the word is for speaking a certain sound)). It is also the name of one of the rivers. The people's river if you like.

Not far from the current town is Grimes Graves, a 5000 year old flint mine complex. A bit further up the road is a manmade lake that was a quarry. During the quarrying remnants of mammoths and woolly rhinoceros were found with evidence of deliberate butchering. These date back to 40,000 - 60,000 years ago. That's before even Bogie was born

The town itself boasts the birthplace and school of a certain rabble rouser called Thomas Paine.

The part I am most focused on, however, is the Iron Age period around the time of the Roman invasion of Britain. The stories of the Iceni, the tribe of people indigenous to this region, are written into history, not least Boudicca, a warrior queen who led the tribes of the East Anglian region into battle against many Roman strongholds. Evidence of a religious site was excavated here (I don't have the date of excavation to hand) that is dated to around the mid first century AD. Being in Iceni territory it is very possible this was used by Boudicca as a gathering site. I say possible speculatively because I have no evidence of 'Boudicca woz ere lol' spray painted anywhere.

My vision is to put the temple and all that over a modern looking map or something like that.
