Alright. I don't technically live in Kuala Lumpur but I work there and that will have to be good enough. Kuala Lumpur grew as a tin mining settlement. After hours of trawling through the library, I found a reproduction of a property map. It's not as old as I would have liked; the marking 'Federal Territory' dates it to after 1974 while the Hong Fatt property was alienated in 1988. I can overlay it on openstreetmap with surprising accuracy considering I took a phone-photo of a printed reproduction in a book (I had to distort and scale a bit). I'll try to unify it in a map showing where in the present day the mining pits ended up (more or less a no-brainer: they're now lakes) but maybe interesting and at least an exercise for me. (someone please explain to me why a property map has an inset of the Malacca straits which in turn has an inset of the South China Sea. These insets obscuring part of the property.)
