Hello , so I usually when I make climates I follow a series of algorythms developed in several tutorials I saw around starting from Artifexian one, but I wante dto make my own method and develop a more straightfoward process to create a more indepth climate map that goes a little beyond the Artifexian model adding that layer of complexity mostly due to mapping high and low pressure areas, precipitation and temperatures. So the maps above are about a world I am making for another client and I am using that as base to improve and eventually make the tutorial on that. I started from a tectonic worldbuilding as usual and I reached that shape :


then everything else is based on an earthlike setting, so a Earth Twin with different topology.

The heuristic model I am working on starts so by making twin maps both of January and June , and alternate winters/ Summer Cycles like the pixie tutorial.
But I wanted to find a more defined algorythm to draw the PH ( Polar high), PF ( Polar Front), STHZ (Subtropical High Zone) and ITCZ (Intertropical High zone).

I start with mapping and defining the High pressure Areas of Poles then the Polar front of low pressure, then the STHZ line and finally the ITCZ line.

for all of the four I have developed a kind of rule of thumb to place and draw them and I have also in mind the thermal equator but is basically the same of the ITCZ but with a more angled and straighter changes.

I would like some experts on climatology to review those results on the maps I have uploaded ed so discuss of the why's and because's of them. Thankyou.

