This is my first post here- I'm not sure yet how this works at all so forgive me for misunderstanding the rules if I have.

I'm a first-time DM and I'd like to have some sort of map of the world I'm building. I've been looking around on this site, and there's some seriously beautiful stuff on here.
However, the one thing I would like is to name the cities, woods, deserts, etc. myself, as I imagine most homebrew DM's would.

Is there a way for me to get/buy/commission one of the maps I saw contending for the Atlas Awards 2021, but without the text added to it?
The ones I saved for reference were "Etria" by MistyBeee as well as "Lands of Conterre" and "Lands of Eternum" by Voolf; that's basically exactly what I'm looking for, but "blank", so without the names on it.
I'd be willing to pay for it, of course. I think I've seen the work of MistyBeeee or Voolf with links to paid sites where you can order the map.
Would it at all be possible to get one of those maps but add the names myself, or is that absolutely not done?

The map will obviously not be used for any other purpose than entertaining five guys roughly as geeky as I am. Also I'd have no problem to.. nay, I'd be proud to have the map carry the original author's name or signature.
However, if this turns out to be a major no-no in cartography world, my sincere apologies. I seriously do love the maps you've created, so I'd love to play with them if possible!

Thanks in advance!

MistyBeee - Etria:
Voolf - Lands of Conterra:
Voolf - Lands of Aeturnum: