I am still just getting started with traditional method---or let's say "converted traditional" methods. I'm trying to find a pipeline/process that suits my needs for creating digital images from hand-drawn source.

Right not I sketch in pencil and then ink over it with microline pens (and then maybe shade a bit more with pencil).

Later, I go outside in some shady spot to get some diffuse light and take a photo of the illustration with my phone. I pull it into GIMP, de-saturate it to take out the blue-sky tint, fix the perspective warp, and them try to increase the contrast on the pencil shading as much as possible without turning it into a muddy mess.

Lastly, I usually add a tint to the whole image using a color-layer.

Because its for the D&D games I play with my kids, I also use GIMP for text and numbering because my lettering is weak.

Here's one from this weekend --- note the backyard visitor in the upper left: a 17-year cicada. They are everywhere!
