This one started life as a little thumbnail sketch from 2018's Mapvember, I think.
I seem to have a leaning toward tall ones. I do have a wide one i might do soon.
I'm not sure if this is part of the world from the Journey of the Sarune, or if it's another.
I was imagining a place that is very old, but is in decline in some places.
Big areas of wilderness, though perhaps where some societies once lived.

Which city would be your capital? or the beginning of your adventures here?
Which city do you think is the oldest? Which one is the largest?

I need to write up a new article on software sometime soon.
I've been trying out some new programs, as i always have issues with PS.
Well, i hope everyone is having a great October, and a great week.
Jump in on that October challenge, it still has some time left.

Lands South of Anaskur by jstevenson.jpg