In attempting to do the Hand-Drawn Mapping (for the Artistically Challenged) tutorial for the 2nd (and 3rd and 4th times), I’m having issues with some of the layers and brush settings.

Layers issue first:
First time of doing the tutorial and all was good even if I’d missed steps in my haste to do it.
Merrily plodding along doing the tutorial the 2nd time and all seems good until it came to the colouring of the map. One of the steps says to hide this, this and this layer then merge the rest. So I go to hide said layers, leaving the rest visible except when I hid one my landscaping vanished. Checking the brush layers, they’re still visible so I unhid the other layer then hid the mountains only to watch them vanish. Like they’re supposed to. Okay, they are on their own layer so I unhid them and hid the required layer only for the mountains to disappear again.

Thinking I’d done something wrong along the way, I scrapped the image and started again from scratch. Same result. Third time, the same thing again. I’m at an impasse so I can’t do the tutorial.

Brush setting issues:
By the time I was on my 3rd attempt of the tutorial, I started having brush settings issues. I’d set them with my mouse but once I’d start using the graphics tablet stylus, the settings would change. No matter what I did, the settings wouldn’t stay as I set them.

Between those two issues, I’ve had to have a break from Gimp, tutorials and graphics in general lol. Any help with either issues would be greatly appreciated.

It is currently Wednesday midday for me and I won’t be back home until either Friday or Saturday just in case I need to be in front of my computer to work out a solution.