Well, over the past few weeks Dan(iel Hasenbos) and myself have been planning and working on our maps for a joint Patreon page and we're finally ready to present our page to the public.

We're sure there are going to be some tweaks and changes along the way, but it's good to get the ball rolling.

Our plan is that each month, we're hoping to make one of the following each and seeing on how it goes, we might make even more:
  • Modular Dungeon Sets: 12 dungeon tiles on a 1”:5’ scale, that allow you to create your own dungeon layouts.
  • Larger Battlemaps: These larger battle maps also come at a 1”:5’ scale and can be up to 18”x22” big!
  • Town and City Maps: We’ll also create towns and cities with their own secrets for you to explore.
  • Regional Maps: Maps showing large areas like kingdoms or continents. Perfect if you want to bring a sense of scale to your campaign!

Any feedback or ideas are always welcome and it's a little weird, but exciting doing something like this!

You can check out the page here.

Also, here are previews of the first map sets which we'll be putting in the Finished Maps too

Wine_Cellar_Example.jpg Thornwatch Inn Small.jpg

Dan and Greg