Well, when I started dabbling around with (very amateurish) maps and images in the fall of 2012 I never thought this would amount to anything but me wasting some time and having fun with it. Strangely enough, this turned out to be something that I didn't quickly again lose interest in, and now, five years later, I find myself in a position where I have to schedule work because of how large the demand has become. And this is in no small part due to the people who have watched my stuff here and on DeviantArt, who have encouraged and critiqued me, who have dropped my name here and there time and again.

The past weeks and months have been quite turbulent and filled with work, so it completely flew over my head that the number of people following me across all platforms, but especially on DeviantArt, had quietly risen to more than 500, which is quite the benchmark for me. As such, before it gets lost in even more work and I end up never getting to it, I've started to work on a free piece for all of these faithful watchers here and there.

I hope you forgive me that it's a space piece, but since that's what I originally started out with half a decade ago I thought it would be a fitting touch.

This is an early WIP of an asteroid base, with the illustrated part being what you see right now. The map itself will follow on the right side and will be a cross-section image of the inside of the rock, fully colored and shaded. The final piece will be A3 sized and print-ready. I hope you'll follow me through the creation process, as you've always done.

Asteroid Base preview.jpg