My first foray into city mapping was way back in the very first CWBP. I tried a village for one of the Light Challenges several months ago. While there was definite progression from one to the next, I still wasn't completely satisfied with any of them. To be fair, is an artist really ever satisfied with his own work? Anyway...

I haven't done anything here in quite some time, but I've had some ideas bouncing around in my head for some time so it seems prudent to get them down. So here I go again...


This is just a snip of what I've been working on. I know that it's kind of all over the place right now as I'm playing with styles and techniques, mostly following Torstan's most excellent tutorials over at The buildings, except for the two colored ones are just some paths that will later be stroked and filled. Or something. I'll fix the towers so that they won't be black blobs, and hopefully add some more terrain features inside the walls. The water effect is also just a placeholder for now, so I don't lose my way. Then I'll do some more trees, assuming I can settle on a style.

All in all it's moving along, but I've discovered over the years that maps can only ever get better after posting a work in progress here. So here it is! Thanks for listening to me ramble. Looking forward to the tough love.